Interactive Novel

Dystopia 2153

Episode One: Escape from the Rathouse
Available in English only

The year is 2153. In a world run by evil bots, it's dangerous to be human. Lance, Freya, and their friends are trapped in the Rathouse Orphanage. Will they escape or will villains Harry Mole and BASH catch them? There is only one way to find out.

Illustration of Dystopia 2153's kids flying hanging from a giant butterfly.


The first of a trilogy, the imaginative illustrations of Episode One explore a Dystopian tale that begins with despair but ends in courage and resolve.

Teaching Resources

This novel comes with a literacy guide to help teachers with classroom implementation. The content is currently English-only and recommended for students in middle school.

The young characters of Dystopia 2153 escaping from evil robots.

Teaching Resources